Science Lab

Science Lab
We have well defined Science lab for students
- Physics Lab
- Chemistry Lab
- Biology Lab
- Computer Lab
Laboratory work is seen as an integral part of most science courses; however, a significant proportion of laboratory activities remain highly prescriptive and fail to challenge many secondary Science Labscience students. This study of senior high school physics laboratory environments drew data from student responses to the Science Laboratory Environment Inventory (SLEI) and a curriculum analysis of the implemented laboratory tasks.
Our high school chemistry laboratory room provides a dynamic learning environment & equipment that is student centered and curriculum-driven. In our, school chemistry lab experimental resources are almost available and safety management instruments are also available.
The study of biology provides students with opportunities to develop an understanding of our living world. Biology is the study of life and its evolution, of organisms and their structures, functions, processes, and interactions with each other and with their environments. Scientific inquiry is the primary process by which scientific knowledge is gained.
A computer lab, in where usage of a computer is generally free for those with access, while Internet charge for computer use. A computer lab in where students can also connect to the Internet using schools computer or device, and students of a computer lab generally do not need any equipment of their own.